Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The New Year is now in full swing. To recap 2006; It was an interesting year. I found that being a part of church leadership does not make you spiritual (I already knew this, I just needed a reminder). Being true to God and getting back to the core of what we are and why we are on this earth is what helps us grow. Our church experienced some big time woes. The minister who had been preaching for the prior two years resigned because of financial constraints with in our church. With this happening many rumors were started by people of the congregation as to why he left and who's fault was it. Before this all happened and since then we have seen a serious decline in our membership. As a leader in the church this has been very disappointing. But out of this we have gained a new vision and a new way of looking at what God wants from us. As we have been in a deeper study of Gods word, we have realized that we need to be Jesus to all people, not some but ALL.

I learned a new word in 2006; Missional, and being Missional with a purpose became my goal for 2006. Well how did it turn out you ask... In 2006 All About Him Ministries was born. I felt a tug on my heart from God to put together a group that was God centered and focused on a renewal in worship experience for the Pacific Northwest. I am a big fan of the Zoƫ Group based in Nashville, TN. I truly believe they have the anointing of God on them and their ministry. In attending a few of their worship workshops I gained a new perspective in how we can worship God. I feel that the Pacific Northwest as well as the world can benefit by what they are doing and what All About Him Ministries will do.

So 2007 seems to me to be a year of renewal in my own life. As this new ministry grows (I do not know where God is going to take it) I anticipate the blessings of God in what is going to happen. God has been so good to my family and me thus far and I see continued blessings for the New Year to come.

My prayer for this new year is that we get back to the core of our belief, continue to be Jesus to ALL people and truly experience how God intended for us to worship Him. God Bless until next time...

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